Living Beyond my Dreams • Deepening our Christianity #31

Deepening our Christianity

the Monday Tuesday Newsletter of Paul Prins

Edition #31 · 4 June 2024

Blessings Reader,

It has been nearly 3 months since the last newsletter. In that time, I have finished refining the Urban Monastic way of life, and we have been working hard on planning and promoting our very first Urban Monastic retreat. This has been a lot of writing, and I didn't feel I had the capacity to write this each week. Now with the 28 chapters of the rule off to be edited, I'm back!

Living Beyond my Dreams

Two weeks ago, I turned 40. Birthdays have been weird days ever since I attempted suicide on my 18th birthday back in 2003. In the days leading up to this year's birthday, I realized something. During the days that followed that suicide attempt, I could not imagine or dream of being 40. I knew that I could make it two more years into my 20s. I remember feeling like my 30s were possible. I don't remember ever dreaming that I could make it to my 40s.

I recall signing up for life insurance in my late twenties. The agent made it clear that I had to wait a year before the policy would pay out if I were to kill myself. I had not been suicidal for about a decade at that point. The depression has never left me, and has become a companion of mine as I journey through life. I knew the odds of living 22 years with depression and multiple suicide attempts were unlikely. Now here I am.

It is weird to be living beyond my dreams. There is nothing I would tell my younger self. He got me here. He was more than enough in ways he is still discovering 22 years later. It is weird to feel like the way before me is so uncharted. There are many things moving and becoming reality that I could never have dreamt.

Living beyond my dreams brings a freedom. Beyond our dreams are expanses we are too small to comprehend. May I take step after step into the unknowable. Beyond the sight of my eyes are the horizons of our God that wrap around the fullness of all creation, seen and unseen. May His grace continue to help me accept all I see within myself. May I be able to love others as I love myself, and as God loves me. May the years to come be fruitful in ways I cannot bring myself to ask or hope for.

Until Next Week

Come to our first Urban Monastic Retreat!

You’re invited to devote a day to prayer, rest, and silence.
Come and spend the day with Jordan and I in prayer!

A Local Day Retreat in Minneapolis on
Tuesday June 25, 2024
9:00 am until 4:45 pm
Cost: $75

Heading to the States!

We are going to be in the Midwest very soon. I have a few public engagements that you are invited too. Hope that you are able to make it to one of them, and that we could catch up!

Sunday, 16th of June @ 9:30 - 10:30am
Preaching at Meetinghouse Church
Alternative Service

Thursday, 16th of June @ 6:30pm-8pm
Discover Urban Monasticism (a Gathering)
Hearth Room @ Meetinghouse Church

Tuesday, 25th of June @ 9:00am - 4:30pm
an Urban Monastic Day Retreat in Minneapolis
Cost is $75 - Learn more and Sign Up
Hosted at Mill City Church in Northeast Minneapolis

Posted since the last Edition

Over the past several months I have refined our way of life into 28 chapters. I would be honored if you would read it, and to get to hear what you think!

Unpublished Photo for this Edition

A Prayer for the Week to Come

May you find yourself following the Love of Jesus deeply into the unknown. Lord help us to open ourselves up to possibilities beyond our dreams. Give us the faith and trust to believe you, as you draw us deeper into your loving presence.

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Deepening our Christianity

Each newsletter includes a short reflection for the week to come, articles published the previous week, a short curated list of content that was meaningful to me the previous week, and more. Subscribe today!

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