Blessings Reader, A Failure of Orthodoxy For most of the last century, the western Protestant Church embarked on a grand project. It was rooted in their vision of reformation. That project was based on the belief that the right knowledge results in the right action. Within the walls of our churches, we have believed that knowing leads to wisdom. Wisdom that would inform our being in the midst of a changing and challenging world. I am not one to speak against knowledge. I love learning and teaching and will continue to be deeply formed through my studies. Yet there is a disconnect somewhere. How did the such a biblically literate generation of American evangelicals get drawn in by Christian Nationalism? The Lord of the Kingdom of God demands our allegiance, and the dust of these earthly fiefdoms will all melt away. There is nothing keeping us from living the reality that Jesus is our Lord and King. If death thus finds us, it is our glory. So how did this project of orthodoxy fail? In simple terms, it failed because it ignored the tremendous work of embodying faith and knowledge. Where do we get to experiment in being gracious or loving? How great is the distance between the understanding of atonement theory and the act of forgiving your neighbors? Forgiving yourself? It is far too easy to fly past "God is love" and to spend one's time wrestling with just war theory. Yet all of God is love. Jesus invites us into a new life. A life defined by humility, grace, mercy, and love. None of which can be mastered in a hundred lifetimes. Know the scriptures because they point to Jesus. Treasure the words of Jesus deep in your heart. Let them define you. Be like Jesus. Be like Him just a bit more this week. Until Next Week Unpublished Photo for this Edition
Curated Goods just for YouSharing what I've come across from around the internet that may encourage or help you.
A Prayer for the Week to ComeJesus, help us to see in ourselves what we see in you. Give us the courage to long to be defined by grace and love. Invite us into the transforming of our character and soul we get to do together with you. |
Each newsletter includes a short reflection for the week to come, articles published the previous week, a short curated list of content that was meaningful to me the previous week, and more. Subscribe today!
Deepening our Christianity the Monday Newsletter of Paul Prins Edition #33 · 17 June 2024 Blessings Reader, Faith is a Gift Our faith simply exists. It just, is. As a Christian, there are many things for me to do. I am to take up my cross and follow Jesus. I am to love, and to be gracious. Yet, the gift of faith has no expectations for me. Faith, for many of us, is the first invitation we accept from Jesus. We accept the gift that is given to us. This gift that is beyond description. We are...
Deepening our Christianity the Monday Newsletter of Paul Prins Edition #32 · 10 June 2024 Blessings Reader, Jordan and I are heading to the States for a couple weeks. If you are around it would be fun to see you. I'm preaching next Sunday in the Twin Cities at Meetinghouse Church, and there are two other events below you are invited too. Let me know if you're around! Acceptance and Silence Last Sunday we had our monthly online gathering of Urban Monastics. The format is pretty simple. We pray...
Deepening our Christianity the Monday Tuesday Newsletter of Paul Prins Edition #31 · 4 June 2024 Blessings Reader, It has been nearly 3 months since the last newsletter. In that time, I have finished refining the Urban Monastic way of life, and we have been working hard on planning and promoting our very first Urban Monastic retreat. This has been a lot of writing, and I didn't feel I had the capacity to write this each week. Now with the 28 chapters of the rule off to be edited, I'm back!...