A Posture of Peace • Deepening our Christianity #23

Deepening our Christianity

the Monday Newsletter of Paul Prins

Edition #23 · 15 January 2024

Blessings Reader,

A Posture of Peace

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." ~ Jesus (Matthew 5:9)

"But love your enemies and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil people." ~ Jesus (Luke 6:35)

To be a child of God. Is there anything greater than that? What is interesting here is that these sayings by Jesus are unqualified. He, His apostles, and the early church knew these teachings, taught them, and made sure they were included for those who came after them.

There is insight into the very nature and character of God. For the Most High Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil people. So we should be, too. We should even "forgive those who persecute us." All of this means that a peacemaker is someone who cannot use violence. That a peacemaker is one who lives, acts, and meets our world in a way without violence. They must not use state power, which exists through its right to violence.

The teaching of Jesus is clearly against violence. Jesus himself endured the violence and murder of the state without fighting back. His example for us is one of peacemaking.

As it appears, our world moves ever further towards widespread violent conflict, let us remember peace. Let us hold hope for peace in our hearts. Let us reject calls to be violent with the understanding that others will not. Let us not be taken by fear of others. Others who are beloved by the Most High. Others who are made in the very image of God like you are. Who are tenderly loved by God the same way you are.

In these days, let us develop a posture of peace. A posture of gentleness, kindness, grace, mercy, and love towards everyone. A posture that accepts violence will find us because we refuse to be violent. That we would be like God, who, Himself, is kind to ungrateful and evil people. Let us break the cycles of violence, war, and hatred. Let us become peacemakers. From the inside out, let us become peacemakers.

Until Next Week

Unpublished Photo for this Edition

A Prayer for the Week to Come

May you find our Lord with you as you journey into this day. That His abundance of kindness would overfill your heart and soul. May His crucible of transformation be effective yet gentle. That you know and radiate peace.

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